HG Team 2024

Head Girl Team

A welcome to TWGGS from our Head Girl Team

It is a wonderful opportunity to have been chosen as the Head Girl team for this academic year and we are so excited to continue building a fantastic environment and legacy at TWGGS. This year brings the introduction of our new school values, Community, Challenge and Character, aiming to embody the TWGGS spirit in all areas of school life, from extracurriculars to academics. 

At TWGGS, we pride ourselves on building a strong community of well-rounded individuals. Our range of extracurricular opportunities creates a sense of cohesion and togetherness which remains a cornerstone of TWGGS life. From Year 7, all pupils participate in a variety of team building activities which help to create the framework for a community-centred cohort. Our pupils have the chance to engage in a variety of sports clubs, from netball to  skiing, which build team working skills, as well as present the opportunity to develop friendships with their peers. Artistic and creative opportunities are also highly valued at TWGGS, with the Junior and Senior drama clubs putting on fantastic showcases and performances throughout the year. The hard-working band, choirs and orchestras also participate in concerts and perform in assemblies, for the enjoyment of the whole school community. Another key part of TWGGS life, is the inclusive and diverse environment that is nurtured through the variety of forums and societies we have available. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion forum offers a safe space to share experiences. It is part of a combined effort from staff and pupils to create an understanding community for all members of the school. This is also supported through other societies such as the Gay-Straight Alliance and Ethnic Inclusivity Forum. 

Here at TWGGS, all pupils are challenged to reach their full potential so that they can grow to become the best versions of themselves. Our motto ‘give your best’ reflects the expectation of determination and resilience in our pupils, this is shown through our consistently high academic achievements. The continued encouragement of our teachers has been evident throughout our journey at TWGGS, as we now aim high for our future beyond Sixth Form.

Aside from academic performance, pupils are also continuously challenged to involve themselves in the wider community, building confidence outside of the classroom. TWGGS provides unique volunteering opportunities such as at the Dunorlan Park Fireworks and a variety of international trips and exchanges including the Iceland trip, the Naples trip, Language exchanges, team building and fieldwork trips. Pupils have been further encouraged to challenge themselves through the platform ‘TWGGS Talks’, which inspires pupils to get involved in discussions about relevant topics and debates, leading them further into roles of leadership. 

It is the community and challenge at TWGGS that arguably builds the fantastically unique characters of all students here. From year seven, we are encouraged to take on roles of responsibility within our forms, from being Form Captain to Eco Rep. This allows students to enter into their school community, building character and resilience through the experiences gained in leadership roles. These positions form a vital part of school life and contribute to the well structured environment here, leading nicely into more senior positions of responsibility which begin with the 3Cs Leadership team in Year 11 and then transfer to more senior positions in the sixth form. In year twelve, we are given the opportunity to become subject representatives, and then in Upper Sixth, the roles are extended, with the opportunity to become senior officers or form part of the Head Girl Team. It is an amazing team to be a part of and we are all really looking forward to the final chapter of our TWGGS careers.

We feel that character is not only built through roles of responsibility within forms but also in the wider opportunities offered here. The CCF at TWGGS is the largest, all female, state school contingent in the country and is something we are incredibly proud of as a school. It offers a chance to develop communication skills as well as take on responsibilities of leadership within a tight knit team. We also have the legacy project, a sixth-form, student-run, forum that allows pupils from both TWGGS and the neighbouring boys school, Skinners, to have open discussions about serious, sensitive and contemporary topics. It offers the chance to share our perspective in a safe environment, through the use of workshops and guided discussions. The legacy project is something we are really looking forward to working on this year, aiming to expand it into the younger years, to create a community of educated and empathetic characters.

Finally, we just want to share how excited we are to be working as the Head Girl Team for this year and can’t wait to experience the wonderful things it will bring. 

Eleanor (Head Girl), Siofra and Krishna (Deputies)



How Prefects Support the School

Year 12 pupils with ambitions to represent TWGGS go through an application process to obtain a Senior Prefect role. Following a written application and a teacher-student vote, 32 pupils are allocated a prefect role each year according to their strengths. Around 7-10 are selected to interview for the position of Head Girl: 2 pupils will then be appointed Deputy Head Girl, and one Head Girl.

The Head Girl Team has the unique role of acting as a bridge between staff members and sixth form pupils. As well as representing the school, the Head Girl Team read notices and passages in assemblies, give speeches on open days, assist the headteacher and leadership team in any way required, and most importantly act as role models to younger pupils. They are assisted by the Senior Officers to achieve the smooth and efficient running of the prefect system.

The School Council Prefects help to run the council, which is made up of pupils from all years, and meets monthly to discuss topics of interest to TWGGS girls. This encompasses practical issues, for example recycling and school meals, as well as broader social concerns, such as social media and mental health. We have recently introduced ‘Phone Free Friday’, on pupils are encouraged to participate in clubs and form activities. This year, one of our key aims is to tackle stress and anxiety around the exam season.

Music, art, drama and sport are subject-specific prefect roles available to the most enthusiastic and committed pupils to these departments. Their assistance proves invaluable to the functioning of each department; for example, the music prefects help to run school concerts and extra-curricular chamber groups and choirs, while sports prefects help to lead lunchtime clubs, organise school teams and help to run sports day.

Current Head Girl Team and Senior Prefects 2023-2024

Position Pupils
Head Girl Kitty H
Deputy Head Girl

Leah B

Skye N

Senior Officers

Elena C 

Lilia O 

Eliza W

Eloise G

Freya A

Charlotte C 

Victoria O 

Toyin A

Carelle S

Sixth Form Prefects

Anya B

Saarah K

Key Stage 3 Prefects

Isobel A

Holly C 

Sylvie H

Key Stage 4 Prefects

Reya V

Isabella J

Charities Prefects

Caitlin T

Isabel L

Sports Prefects

Azzahra L

Poppy D

Eva W

Environment & Sustainability Prefects

Leah G

Maddie K

School Council and PTA Prefects

Marlly P

Amrutha G

Careers Prefect

Emma P 

Hope M

Music Prefect

Alice H

Drama Prefect

Harriet D

Chloe B

Art and Display Prefect

Elodie M

Mia W

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