Year 6/7 Transition

Welcome to TWGGS! We hope you will find all you need to know here about starting Year 7. We are really looking forward to you joining us in September. 

Year 7 Induction Booklet 2024You can also read the questions and answers here:

Frequently Asked Questions

In the next video, Mrs Miller (formerly, Miss Fenn) chats to a couple of Year 7 pupils to help you with any questions you may have. Please also see the Year 7 TWGGS Guide to the First Day in September, to give you an idea of what you can expect on your first day.




Have a go at our fun quiz!

To help you get to the know the TWGGS website, and learn some useful information, have a go at the following quiz. Answers to all the questions can be found by navigating around the website, but if you get stuck you can have a look at the answer sheet below!

New Year 7 quiz  Quiz answers


Moving Up!

Moving Up! The transition to secondary school is an animation from the Anna Freud Centre, aimed to help year 7 and 6 pupils feel more confident, less anxious and better equipped to cope with the changes associated with moving to secondary school.




How can I help as a parent during the transition phase?

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event for your child. It is an important milestone which, for many parents and teachers, marks a change in expectations regarding crucial life-skills such as independent working and self-organisation.

When a child starts at secondary school, they are expected to cope with a whole variety of new experiences and changes, many of which demand skills and abilities that they have not had to use before. The problem is that these skills do not spontaneously develop in children in the summer before they begin– like reading and writing, they must be taught and children need support in developing them.

The aim is to provide you with the information you need to help your child to achieve independence, whilst supporting them in getting there. 

To achieve the balance of doing too much or too little for your child is hard - a useful rule of thumb is:

“ never do anything regularly for your child that they are capable of doing for themselves”

Tips for parents:

• Before your child starts, time the journey to school or the bus stop.

• Be sure your child is clear about what time they are expected to be home and what to do if they are held up for any reason.

• Make sure they know / have your contact numbers

• Pupils are not allowed to use their mobile phones during the school day and phones are to be turned off from the moment that children enter school. Therefore avoid contacting your child during the school day on their mobile, but any important messages can be passed through reception.

• Make sure your child sets their own alarm. Perhaps you could test run it before the first day of school.

• Work out with your child what time they will need to get up to arrive in school on time.

• Work backwards from the time they need to be at school and include all the things they will need to do.

• Agree a routine for the mornings and after school. Will they shower / bath in the morning or the evening? Will they get their school bag ready the night before or in the morning? Who will make the packed lunch and when?

• Agree a bedtime for during term time that will ensure your child gets enough sleep.

• Have a couple of practice runs – set your child the challenge of getting up at the correct time and getting ready.

• When they start, if possible, be around for your child for the first few days/weeks to supervise all of this. Praise and encourage independence but be ready to offer a helping hand.

• Go through the routine regularly with your child; if necessary, provide a tick-list to help them.

• Insist on the routine being kept – it will save you hours in the long run!

For more information, please also see the following guide, produced by the Anna Freud centre, which gives tips and advice to parents and carers on how to support their children's transition to secondary school:

Supporting Children's Transition to Secondary School


Essential Stationery Items

In preparation for your child joining TWGGS in September, please see the below recommended stationery list that we encourage pupils to have in order to be best equipped for all of their different lessons.

  • A selection of blue/black pens
  • Pencils
  • Colouring Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Highlighters / Fine-Line Coloured Pens
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors
  • Calculator – we recommend the Casio FX83 model
  • Non-permanent board marker pen

Please note that pupils are not allowed to bring Tippex or correction fluid into school.

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